Thursday, October 22, 2009

On Þórsdagr, Thor's day, we see LAGUZ. If today be conflict, the answer is growth, magic, and femininity. As the waves of the see, this may portend that the answer is deep with in, slowly coming up to the beach. Be patient the solution will present itself.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

This Laugardagr the rune is JERA. Jera comes up often, and means many things. It means that things are developed, coming to fruition, and can be harvested. Plans made and things done will reap great rewards. Look on what you do today as well-deserved, coming through previous wise council and passing through delays. Be thankful for what you receive and do today, and cherish it.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Frjádagr heralds BERKANA reversed. Today is not a day to start new projects. As the divine inspired you yesterday, you may want to get started on new progress. BERKANA symbolizes generation and fulfillment, but reversed it means that things are delayed or not ready. Let yesterday's inspiration steep a bit longer before trying new things, for the time may not be right or the project may not be a wise one.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Odin's day, or Óðinsdagr, the 15th of October comes to us with a rune very close to Odin. it is ANSUZ, the rune of divine speech and intuition. When one speaks from this place, it is wise counsel. When one hears today, it is wise counsel. Today the gods will speak to you directly, via your intuition, your past, and your own perceptions. The "inspiration" will help you through the day, and beyond.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

In a strange case of synchronicity, we are coming out of a small cycle the same way we went in. On Laugardagr, we see MANNAZ again. Characterized by a connection with the divine intellect, or God's wisdom through human interaction, it focus on a settling of accounts, a cleaning of the human ledger, if allowed the metaphor. "Out with the old, and in with the new" perhaps best describes this day. While setting your house in order, think on what you can do to ensure that your heart and mind are also settled. If any thing must be said to someone, today is a good day to get it done.

Friday, October 2, 2009

JERA returns today, Frjádagr. Life continues to grow, to bear fruit, and to improve. Keep on doing what you are doing. Each tiny step bears large and magnificent fruit in time. As this is Freya's day, this rune could portend great things for love, passion, magic, or youthfulness. But, as many jotun know, do not hang onto anything to tightly... those that covet Freyja to closely seem only fated to kiss Mjollnir, the crushing hammer of Thor.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Today's Rune is JERA. Touching the cycles of the year, this rune can mean harvest, but it can also signify life as usual. Tasks start will be continued. It is best to put your foot forward and push on. All things come with time, and leave in time, and ever things continue.

To put it more glibly, today is the day, just like every day.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Thor goes fishing.

I have not posted a story in some time, so today, let's talk about Thor. Thor is one of the primary Aesir worshipped by the Norse and the Vikings. His symbol, the hammer Mjollnir, is used at weddings and in christening of ships. It is worn on sea voyages. Thor is a breaker of resistance, associated with Thurisaz. Like Thurisaz, Thor can be a symbol of good things, like protection from the chaos of Jotunheim. But he has twice nearly killed the Midgard serpent Jormungandr. What terrible things might occur if he had succeeded, well we do not know what would happen, but the skalds say it would usher in Ragnarok, the Doom of the Gods. Here is the story of just how "Brusque" Thor can be.

Having need of a kettle to brew mead for the Aesir, Thor goes out to visit the Jotun Hymir. He arrives with Hymir's son, the God Tyr, at the Hymir's home. There they are warned of Hymir's foul moods by Tyr's Grandmother, who spoke with nine-hundred heads.
"Tyr, " she said, "It is well to see you, but remember your father is foul-of-mood, and distrustful of guests. He will not want to see you, or your friend, the mighty Thor. Go hide beneath that kettle there, lest his wrath find you before hospitality."
Tyr and Thor did as instructed, hiding beneath a great kettle in the corner of Hymir's hall. No sooner did the lip of the kettle touch down when Hymir stormed into the room. "Hymir, dear!" called his mother. "We have guests! Your son has come to visit, and he's brought a friend."
"Where are they? Who is this friend?" Hymir demanded, voice rumbling the walls.
"Why in the cauldron yonder, behind the pillar set, my son."
"Would that they came out to visit us!" He glowered at the pillar. It cracked and shook and fell, clanging against the cauldron, smashing pots and kettles. At this point Tyr lifted up the large basin and stepped out with Thor.
Hymir's rage suffered setback! He seethed, but would do no harm, seeing Thor's hand resting gently on Mollnir. So he bade three oxen be killed and cooked and eaten. Thor, gobbled up two himself, leaving only one for Tyr, Hymir, and Tyr's Grandmother.
Hymir lamented, still smoldering. "If you would stay another day, we ought fish, else I'll have no way to feed you."
"Then we shall fish, what can we use for bait?"
"I have mine," the giant said, "you'll have to find your own!"
Thor laughed and turned to Hymir's prize bull, a large and beautiful animal. With a twiste he pulled the poor beasts head off. "This shall do, wouldn't you say?"
Hymir became apoplectic, but could not raise a hand against the giant's bane. So he took boat and line with Thor into the sea.
The oair traveled some distance before Hymir used his bait. So great his skill that with ease he caught to large whales for feasting whilst Thor merely set his bull's head bait and tested his line.
"Thor, my guest, it would do well for you to cast your line."
"Not yet, my host, travel out further, and I will cast it there."
Hymir rowed and rowed, further and further, until they could not see island or star. "We have gone far enough, Thor, cast your line."
"Still farther we will go, I will catch a great prize for us. Row. Row."
Hymir continued, until the sea and sky were as black ravens wings, as black as the mouth of Fenris-Wolf. There Thor cast his line, though Hymir could not tell if the line sank into the sea or into the sky!
"We are too far, Thor. How will we see?"
Thor set out a lamp. "By this, and be silent."
It was not long until Thor felt his line tug. At first Thor pulled gently, to set the hook and test his catch. But whatever fish he caught, well, it proved over strong! Thor yanked and yanked, straining, standing - nearly tipping the boat as he grunted and groaned to bring his catch. "I got a large one! We'll eat well, we will!"
Hymir looked agape as the head of the Jormundgandr rose from the blackness, spraying grey water and venemous foam. Thor had hooked the serpent! Thor pulled and pulled, bracing himself, as the beast writhed and thrashed. It's scales glittered in lamp light It's roar filled the ears of Hymir, who trembled.
Thor held fast Jormundgandr, and reached down to his belt to draw Mollnir. Hymir, knowing what was at stake should Thor smash the monster's head, drew a knife. Thor let his hammer fly, and Hymir cut Thor's fishing line. With a great splash the beast fell beneath the waves, and Mollnir returned to Thor's hand. "What did you do, Hymir?" Thor exclaimed. "I know not whether my blow struck true!"
"'Tis better you don't, and let the beast lie!" Hymir said, beginning to row back. " No one knows the worlds fate should you have killed it."
Thor grumbled but acquiesced. Hymir took them back to his home. "My arms and back are sore, Thor. Please help me take my boat in, and carry a whale."
Thor grunted and pulled the whales onto the boat, then, wading into the surf, he carried it all - boat and catch- back to Hymir's home. Any man would be impressed by such a show of strength, but when Tyr and Thor asked for the kettle to brew mead, Hymir, the old curmudgeon, laughed. "Oh, Thor, you may seem strong, but I've been tricked before! Truely only the most strong can shatter my cup! Do this, and I will give you my kettle!"
Thor took up the goblet and hurled it across the room. There it bounced -dink!- and landed on the floor unmarred. Thor growled and fumed, brow furrowed. Hymir laughed and chortled, saying, "Ho ho! That amused me so, Thor. I will give you one more try."
Thor grabbed the cup one more time, and looked about. Where could he thow the chalice at something so hard it would break? The stone mantle was not hard enough, the hay bale and wooden tranchers, softer still. Only then did Tyr's mother whisper. "Thor! Thor! Strike his Hymir's head. It's the hardest thing known!"
Thor heaved with all his might. The wine cup dashed across Hymir's head, splintering as it struuck, though Hymir himself remained unharmed. Hymir frowned and furrowed his brow. "Go then, and take the kettle."
Tyr, generous of body, strained to pick the cauldron up, but THor shrugged and lifted it himself out of the dwelling. They took it to Aegir, a giant. Thor placed his hand on his Hammer.
"Aegir, of the Giants, brew ale for us."
Aegir was cunning, and new Mollnir's score. He could not raise a hand against Thor. So threatened he agreed. And that is why the Aesir have fine ale for their feasts.

Threatening giants, killing a hosts prize bull, attacking one's host. All these thing Thor does. He dares to press farther than is necessary, and took it upon himself to kill even the fate of man - to break the lock of the middle world. Imagine the chaos that would ensue!
And yet, Thor is also the protector of gods against the Jotuns. He gives great strength and protects those who call upon him. Even as he sometimes goes to far, he also ensures that we can carry on. A bit like our emotions, our passions, is he. We often see our passions taking us too far, and yet, we rely on these passions to carry us through, as Thor carries great loads himself.

Today's rune is MANNAZ, on Óðinsdagr, September 30th. Seen before this rune represents the divine coming through other people. But it also represents our intuitions and divine desires. The gods speak to us through an inner voice. Heed that voice today.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Mánadagr, or Moon Day's rune is Thurisaz. This can have several meanings. Generally, though, it can be seen as a rune of primal emotions. These emotions can block and stop progress, like thorn bushes or a hedge. Alternatively, these primal emotions can lead to the destruction of resistance and a breakthrough. Deep within you is a wellspring of chaotic and conflicting feelings. Learn to use them to help rather than hinder.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sunnudagr's rune is MANNAZ. The divine as manifested through human beings and human contact. Today the gods may speak to us through our own intuition, or through others that we meet. Listen and connect with others that you see and hear from.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Manadagr's rune is WUNJO, reversed. Today may feel like a struggle, as though the things that make us happy are far away and far apart. It may seem as though the day is disconnected to the gods, and lacks a certain "Rightness." Remind yourself that things are impermanent, that this feeling will not last long.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sunnudagr's rune is DAGAZ. Great, positive change is coming, and it begins today. You will notice a sudden shift. Typically this shift is towards more positive things, as the dawn signifies and end to the chill and night. However, be prepared for a bumpy and exciting trip. Light reveals things we sometimes want hidden. One cannot stop the dawn, one can only embrace and accept it.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Today's Rune is MANNAZ, reversed, on Laugardagr. Our intellectual prowess, or link to society, seems broken. Today is a time to reflect on what we can do to better find intellectual peace. If we feel seperated from society, we should reflect on why.

Perhaps this seperation allows us to make our house in order. It is Washing Day.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Today's Rune is RAIDHO, on Freyjadagur, or Freya's day. A rune of travel or trade, also a rune of communication. Talk freely with others, especially concerning passion, love, or magic. Ask yourself: When was I most happy, most passionate, and most free? Whom can I share this passion with?

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Today's rune is IHWAZ, on Óðinsdagr, or Odin's day. The world hangs upon the axis. This is a symbol of turning, of passing, and changing. As Yggdrasil rests at the center of the nine worlds, so this rune signifies this center axis between life and death. FInd your center, and look out upon your world. Things may be changing, old ways are dying to be reborn as new ways. These changes may seem difficult, but hang in there. Odin did so, and he gained great insight for his trouble.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

No new news today.

Today's Rune is JERA, on Týsdagr, Tyr's or Tiwas's day. The theme of harvest continues. As we gather our champion's portion. it is best to remember next year must show a bounty as well. Ask yourself: Am I leaving enough so that I can weather the lean times? How much seed should be saved for next year's sowing? In this way we sacrifice as Tyr did, and ensure the safety of our household.

Monday, September 14, 2009


Tonight, I am reminded of why it's important to persevere, to keep trying. Not long after the war between the Aesir and the Vanir, a man promised to rebuild the walls of Asgard if he should get the hand of Freyja, and the sun and the moon as well. Advised by Loki, the Aesir consented. He had only a season to do it, and yet, with the help of his horse Svadilfari, he was able to nearly finish the job. Why, he had but to finish the great doors before him!

The man may have felt pretty smug, seeing as how he would in three short days have the Sun and Moon top light his home. he must have boasted with great pride that he would have the hand of the most passionate of the Gods. and the Aesir had every right to be concerned. It looked as though they had bargained too dearly when they made their oaths.

But they kept their wits about them, and charged Loki to fix his mess.

Loki turned into into a Mare and Svadilfari gave chase. For three days even the man could not keep up as he ran after them. Weary and with little time remaining, the man changed into his true form, a massive mountain-striding Giant.

The Aesir, seeing that their mason was more then man, felt cheated, and declared protest the way one speaks to Giants. They called on Thor, who settled the Gods' debt to the crooked bricklayer. A tap of the great mallet Mjolnir shattered the duplicitous giant's skull.

So when it seems as though things look bleak, we must remember that there is always a solution to what ills we find. Even when we think all is lost, or when we think we lose a bargain, we must remember to persevere. Eventually we will have the wits and will to overcome.

Today's rune is NAUTHIZ, reversed, on Mánadagr. Be careful today. Things can get precarious. Ask yourself: Am I aware of everything I can be? Who is guarding my metaphorical hen houses?

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Was going to discuss Hospitality. It shall have to wait. I'll leave you with a proverb.

Do not stand in a way you cannot walk from.

Today's Rune is Sowilo, on Sunnidagr. The Sun's day. Look up to the sun and be thankful for all the good things in your life. What has been reaped has been cleared. This is a time of plenty and power. Ask yourself: In what ways have I been made stronger?

Saturday, September 12, 2009

He will wish for his Falchion at Ragnorok

Today, I am reminded of Freyr. The licentious lad once boldly and foolishly sat upon Odin's throne: This is no ordinary chair, but rather a revealing place, a seat that shows all within the nine worlds. Hlidskjalf, it is called. It's name means "trembling slope." or "precipitous place." And you would tremble, too, if you looked out upon all worlds at once.

Freyr, who lacked the wisdom of Odin -never having minded his memory as Odin had, found himself confounded by visions of beautiful Gerd. Gerd, a giant, was so lovely to the Freyr that he made himself sick from thinking of her. We can all imagine him, unable to eat or sleep or even say word one - so great his sadness weighed upon his shoulders. Desiring Gerd, he sent his servant to inquire as to courting her. To win her hand he gave his sword in Bride Price. And though he does not need it now, when Mulspiel lets out its sons for war, he will wish for it.

It occurs to me that everyday we desire things. We want wealth, status, love, sex and often we think nothing of simply casting aside the things we have in order to gain what we fixate on. Often what we want is to know more - if we could but see all sides, would we not be wise? I myself struggle with these things. I desire somethings so greatly that I ignore the prize before me.

The lessons are twofold, I think:

1) It is not all-knowing that brings wisdom, but rather that wisdom is necessary before one attempts to have all-knowledge. To do otherwise causes us to fixate on things from our weaknesses. We desire more, we grow angry more easily. Knowledge punishes the unwise.

2) Be careful when you see something you desire. Do not let it become a burden, and do not throw away the good things you have in an effort to court the things you desire.

Today's Rune is also ING, on Laugrdagr. What was sown will be reaped. This is not always positive, as poor choices can produce poor results. When thinking on this Rune, ask what have I put my effort into, and what have I sacrificed, and what have I harvested from my work?

Also, it's Washing Day. Make sure your House is in order.

Friday, September 11, 2009

On Adversity and Honor

This is the first installment of my new blog. I reflect on one of my friends. She is going through a tough time. She has lost someone close to her, and I think it eats her up in the quiet moments. She is also homesick. The quiet time is her Nidhogg, devouring her Worldtree. But we are not very close, so I will not be able to tell her that it will be alright. Tell her that there is an eagle atop her world tree, and on that eagles brow is Vedurfolnir. Storm-calmed or Storm-bleached. That each adversity creates strength.

Forgive the metaphor, but apt. She is strong, I think, but feels that she is not strong alone.

Another friend is lonely, she thinks everyone is out to avoid her. She seems very concerned that people don't want to be around her. Life seems very chaotic and lonely. She has noticed that others avoid her. How can I respond? She is sometimes negative. This should not be seen as a weakness, but is often thought so. She is critical, and perhaps my advice is that it is unjust that our world praises the Honorless flatterer and deplores the Honorable Critic.

This is a shame. If she chooses the right path, her loneliness will continue. She must learn to enjoy it to be weathered clean by the storm.

Today's Rune is Ing, on Freyjadagur. Seeds placed are coming to fruition, especially when it comes to love, passion, or magic. Your Fylgia are returning with good news. What you have sown can be reaped with passion and joy. The Lord rests within the Lady.